Italian Chestnuts and Blood Orange Apertif
As a "spring/summer personality, I have always dreaded the thought of dreary winters filled with dark days and cold nights. Living in Georgia I can almost certainly count on a weird mix of mild, moderately cold or severe winters.
Rather than complain I have adapted to the odd winters and look forward to my winter rituals of warm, fragrant baths and lovely evenings in my wonderful kitchen recreating many favorite Italian dishes while enjoying a glass of Tuscan super-red wine.
A chilly evening can be magically warmed by a serving of roasted Italian chestnuts tossed with fragrant garlic oil and a light sprinkling of kosher salt. The evening is further transformed with the addition of a Blood Orange and Brandy Apertif.
I choose a beautiful, faceted crystal hi-ball, something special that reflects the intense garnet reds of the blood orange as they swirl into the coppery browns of the orange brandy. With a tiny silver spoon I ladle one delicate teaspoon of sugar and wait for the gentle fizz from the addition of soda water. Ah! Sweet success!
I enjoyed the most pleasant conversation with a young man at the market last week. We were trying the other's recommendation for fish. . .
He was in the music industry in Atlanta and likened his love of cooking to a symphony in his head.
I have often expressed (quietly) the same feelings!
"they" will cart you off around here if you step too far outside the "lines"!
My husband has been to busy to cook much lately.
Wanna come use my kitchen?
And I love the blog!! How nice to find someone from Newnan with such a great passion for Italy.
Chicken and Dumplings are my favorite childhood food. When my father would go on TDY in Germany my mother would rotate making each of our favorite meals. I always chose chicken and dumplings!!