Casa Bella Bed and Breakfast of Newnan

Guests of Bed and Breakfasts, for the most part, are pretty easy to please. A comfy bed in clean surroundings - a few pretties, here and there, and a hot breakfast with lots of fresh coffee. That's pretty much the formula!

This weekend we installed a small coffee nook to satisfy the need for the fresh, hot coffee. We're still waiting on a new countertop but it's easy to imagine the finished space. Spread around the B & B are several one-cup coffee makers; allowings guests to grab a quick cappuccino or hot tea before breakfast or after a late night in Newnan.

It's been seven years since we closed The Old Garden Inn. Between learning how to operate a leased-access channel and running a Bed and Breakfast, the work load was a little too heavy.

But, as the opening draws near, I find myself becoming more and more excited. Choosing the breakfast menus and adding a few new items is great fun for a "foodie". Imagining the "oohs and ahh's" from guests is motivation to create beautiful plates of hot food. Laughter and smiles at the end of the morning are the reward, as well as the possibitlity of meeting wonderfully creative artists, authors and professionals.

Almost sixteen years ago I met my friend, Char' through the Bed and Breakfast. She called late one night and inquired about a weekend reservation. I explained to her that we intended to close that weekend -we had tickets to see "Grease" at the Fox Theater in Atlanta. She very lightly replied "oh, I was in "Grease" on Broadway". Of course I was excited . . .I am a "Grease" junkie. . .probably have watched the movie 100 times! So, began our long,wonderful journey into "sisterhood".

Ron and I agreed to let her and her husband, Roy Yeager, check themselves into their room and we would all meet in person at breakfast! "Grease" at the Fox was dull and disappointing. My sweet friend, Char' Fontane, was never dull and a thrill ride to the end. She's been gone now for two and half years-but I could never hope to meet another guest that was as so uniquely charming and loving!
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Susan said…
Good luck on the reopening of your Bed and Breakfast. Thanks for sharing your memories Char'. I'm sure you will have lots of new friends and fans of Casa Bella soon.
Home At Last said…
Thanks, I hope you and Kenny will join us for our Open House.
Thank you for sharing that story Patty. I remember when Char' told me her version of it too. She was such a delight and I am so glad that through her, our lives have connected. My prayers are with you and Ron as you complete the vision of "Casa Bella".Love, Candy
Home At Last said…
Char told me at the end of her life about her recollection of our meeting. She remembers thinking I didn't like her. . .which was so far from what I remember.

Ron and I met Roy, first, at breakfast. It was easy and filled with laughter.

Then Char made her grand entrance! As only she could. But we were connected from that first visit.

I remember her telling me how she met you. It was at Stone's River-was it your wedding?

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