A Girl's Gotta Eat!

Prickly Heat Pousse Cafe

Grilled Black Forest Ham, Triple Cream Brie and Garden-fresh Tomatoes
Admittedly, this lunch is a little out of the ordinary!

It's time to "put up" seasonal fruits and veggies-not leaving much time for much else! So quick sandwiches and leftovers are on the daily menu at our house!

I cooked peaches and prickly pears last night! The pickled peaches are canned-leaving another ten or so pounds for syrup and preserves.

The Prickly Pears were reduced into a fabulous syrup that we use for drinks. I call my Pousse Cafe cocktail "Prickly Heat"! It's fabulously smooth and is an artful layering of tequila, prickly pear syrup and half and half! It was P-R-E-T-T-Y good lunch fare served with our grilled ham, French Triple Brie AND garden-fresh tomatoes.

There are some serious health benefits associated to the cactus and the prickly pear!  Thankfully, it is more widely available at the markets and as a processed syrup but the best way to consume it is fresh from the cactus!  


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I have been staring at that sandwich for way too long. It's on my menu for tomorrow's lunch! (Once I coax a couple tomatoes into a riper state.) Thank you kindly.
Home At Last said…
It is a heavenly sandwich! My little tomatoes were just turning and it was perfect! Let me know what you think!

I'm looking forward to reading your blog!

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