Strawberry Liqueur

Now that I am regularly making Limoncello I thought why not take the leap and try my hand at other cordials.
So far! I have successfully created a coffee liqueur and am halfway through a batch of strawberry vanilla cordial that will ultimately flavor my Strawberries Romanoff at the breakfast table for Casa Bella B & B.
Truthfully, the Honeybell Orange Brandy that flavors the whipped cream is perfect all by itself but this seemed like a great use of leftover strawberries. This batch requires another 30 days with a simple syrup that I will create over the weekend. I experimented by placing three whole, peeled prickly pears to naturally sweeten the liqueur and am really happy with the results.
It happened on the day that I was checking the status of the flavors that we had a visit from the producers of CBS's 48 Hours.  Somehow we ended up in the kitchen sampling strawberry liqueur and discussing stoves! Lesson learned here . . .always have a liqueur in the making!
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