Porchetta and Fried Polenta

Butterflied Pork

Seasoned With Fresh and Dried Herbs

Fresh Garlic and Rosemary

Tied Porchetta Marinating For Roasting
I'm seriously doing some "armchair traveling" in the kitchen this week!
Old photos and video shot during our trips through Germany, Switzerland and Italy have caused wonderful food memories to resurface and off I run to the kitchen to see if I recreate some of our favorites!
My first porchetta sandwich was savored at Terranouva's weekly market-held every Friday on the town square in central Tuscany. I remember the young woman explaining the process as we waited for our crispy pork sandwich served on a nicely crusted roll. As we enjoyed our first bite of the heavenly pork she waved us back and presented us with a neatly wrapped package filled with Fried Polenta!
Sure that we had just been presented with a piece of heaven we strolled the market "ooh-ing and aah-ing" through the stalls filled with fresh fish, cheese, cured meats and fabulous chocolates!

My pork is butterflied, seasoned and tied.  I rubbed the entire piece with plenty of garlic olive oil before adding the herbs.  I also added fresh rosemary, thyme, a tiny bit of fresh oregano and fresh crushed garlic before rolling and tying the pork.  It will marinate in the refrigerator overnight before I roast it for six or so hours at a very low temp (about 190 degrees). 
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