I'm Sorry. . .Our Kitchen's Closed
The Estruscan Chicken is delicious! Moist, well cooked and tender. I drizzled the cooked chicken with extra virgin olive oil and served it with lemon wedges.
A simple side of snap beans and goat cheese was the perfect choice! A glass of sparkling Pelligrino water and I could imagine myself sitting in my hillside villa in Tuscany.
After dinner I played with the cracker bread and enjoyed great results. Since it was my first time, I developed my own methods as the process went on. What I found . . .the paper thin is more effort but definitely worth it. I used the 4 - 6 setting on my pasta maker and passed through each setting once. I also started out cutting rectangles but as I tired I tried other shapes-The more rustic it was the better I liked it. I thought the crackers were attractive standing on end-like in my picture. They would be great served at a wine tasting.
The taste and texture are delicate and delicious. I developed two toppings. The plain parmesan cheese and then a second with hot chile salt and the parmesan. Both very good!
I think I will continue with the recipe but adjust the flours the same as with my bread. I find I like five flours for a very authentic tasting Italian bread.